Eurovision 2024 Previews Part 6: Malta, Albania & Greece

Time to dive into semi 2 and the sound of the Mediterranean beckons. So, in the words of a certain goddess: “If we took a holiday?” But wait, don’t start daydreaming yet! This could turn into a nightmare before you even utter the words ‘all inclusive’.

Eurovision 2024 Previews Part 4: Finland, Moldova & Azerbaijan

You know, sometimes you make a reference that you never in a million years thought you’d make while reviewing Eurovision entries. Today is one of those days, even if some things remain inexplicable until you actually see them. Riddle me this, riddle me that… but I guess you’ll quickly get what I’m aiming at. AndContinue reading “Eurovision 2024 Previews Part 4: Finland, Moldova & Azerbaijan”

Eurovision 2023 Review: Sweet And Bitter.

Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to come up with. Such as a title for a blogpost. So many possibilities, so many puns. But only one question: were we really united by music? The answer is surprisingly unclear, even three weeks after the final (which is when this review finally sees the light ofContinue reading “Eurovision 2023 Review: Sweet And Bitter.”